BIM and BACS based solution for analysing performance problems in building

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IEQ problems have a big impact on people’s well-being and working efficiency but how to detect, locate, analyse and visualise these problems. VTT has developed one concept and related modern Internet technologies based prototype solution for that. The solution is demonstrated in several big online connected buildings and it is based on a new Building Information Models (BIM) and Building Automation and Control Systems (BACS) integration model. In future this solution is possible to modify as a powerful tool for advanced continuous commissioning and ESCO related business.


VTT has developed a new concept and related prototype solution for powerful detecting, locating, analysing and visualising IEQ and energy related problems in buildings. This makes it possible to visualize which spaces and in which date and time (e.g. now/day/month/year) e.g. the indoor temperature value is lower or higher than the selected value (see figure).


The implementation was done by integrating of real-time and historical building automation related measurement data (BACS data) into 3D virtual BIM application by means of modern Internet technologies, open source BIM model server and new BIM and BACS integration model.

For testing and demonstration purposes there are several big buildings including thousands of sensors per building connected to this solution. This technology is used also as one Lego piece in VTT’s result reported in the result card named “Real-time monitoring of occupant thermal sensation”.


This approach makes it possible to detect and locate (exact spaces, time and dates) easily IEQ and energy problems in buildings. E.g. the building maintenance person can visualize in which spaces and in which date and time (e.g. now/day/month/year) the selected building IAQ or energy related KPI (Key Performance Indicator) is lower or higher than the selected value.

In more general level the Building Information Models (BIM) has become more common in recent years but there has been a huge lack of good innovative ideas how to utilise these models in building maintenance phase. This study related concepts presents several innovative ideas for building maintenance related software developers and demonstrate one of those in a very powerful way.

Future Opportunities

In future this solution is possible to modify as a powerful tool for advanced continuous commissioning and ESCO related business. And in future this solution is also possible to update so that it is also possible to use for visualizing other type of data like space related cost, target values etc. In addition the developed integration model between BIM and BACS can be utilised when standardising BIM and BACS interoperability.
