BIM in Europe – Brüsszel

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2017. december 01.
Egész napos

BIM IN EUROPE takes place on 1 December 2017 at SQUARE Meeting Centre – Rue Mont des Arts, 1000 Brussels (entrance via Coudenberg).

When 01-12-2017
from 02:00 PM to 06:00 PM
Where Brussels
Contact Name Architects’ Council of Europe
Contact Phone +32 2 543 11 40
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The Architects’ Council of Europe (ACE) is the representative organisation for the architectural profession at European level: it aspires to speak with a single voice on its behalf in order to achieve its aims. Its membership currently consists of 43 Member Organisations, which are the regulatory and professional representative bodies in all European Union (EU) Member States, Accession Countries, Switzerland and Norway. Through them, the ACE represents the interests of 600.000 architects from 31 countries in Europe.

In view of growth of Building Information Modelling in various EU Member States, ACE has established in 2015 a work group to look at the legal, technical and financial issues surrounding the advent of BIM, develop its policy and engage with work to develop an European (CEN) standard.

The Conference BIM IN EUROPE will present the results of two years of work of the ACE BIM Work Group, together with interventions by the EU BIM Task Group, CEN Committee and BIM users. The event is organised with the support of the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.

