European BIM Summit Nap – BIM az infrastruktúrákban

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2018. október 04.
11:00 - 14:00

New EBS Day on the (official) involvement of BIM in infrastructures

On Thursday, October 4th, the next European BIM Summit Day will be held, which will be dedicated to „BIM’s (official) involvement in infrastructure”. The meeting will be held from 11 to 14 hours at the Col·legi d’Enginyers de Camins, Canals i Ports (C / .dels Vergós, 16 – 08017 Barcelona).
The European BIM Summit is organizing the next EBS Day aimed at the world of engineering in general as a panoramic view of the latest trends in this sector. Infrastructures have come to the foreground in these days. The approval of new investments and the outcome of the crisis are transforming an overview that now sees new possibilities of an emerging growth. …

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