Over 75 Published BIM Standards: Too many?
Some fun and clever thoughts on standards: (borrowed from Robert Weygant, committee member)
• Unless there is ONE standard, there is NO standard
• BIM Standardization is like Dodge City, and there is no Wyatt Earp or his Regulators
• Unless a model is being used outside of the Architect/Engineering firm the standard will always be whatever the firm dictates
• If a standard is difficult to use or creates more work, it will not be adopted
• Universal standards are only good if they’re actually adopted
I recently found there to be over 75 published BIM standards. You can find more of my own thoughts on Standards here. I make the argument that Standards are not working well for us. Put in succinct terms:
Standards and a capitalist society aren’t gelling – Alexine, StrucSoft Solutions
The BCS is intended NOT to be another discussion about standards. We will be forming relationships and understandings with our counterparts in manufacturing, design and software…. you know, the folks that actually have the capability of improving our own processes.